Making This up as I Go
The Changed Podcast with Aden Nepom
Kendrick Shope on Finding Her Particular Zone of Genius – Episode 41
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -41:45

Kendrick Shope on Finding Her Particular Zone of Genius – Episode 41

Kendrick Shope shares her thoughts on trusting your intuition, finding your zone of genius, and the little forks that leads to the big forks in life, in episode 41 of The Changed Podcast.

Kendrick Shope is an international sales authority, creator of the Authentic Selling®️ process, and the founder of Authentic Selling®️ University, the leading online sales training for modern businesses producing millions of dollars in revenue for her students. Often called the most over-delivering woman online, Kendrick believes in doing business differently, providing her students with Rocky Balboa’s drive and Olivia Pope’s determination to succeed.

Kendrick hosts Authentic Selling® TV reaching 186 countries and 6 continents where she provides sales expertise that is sweet as pie but tough as nails. Authentic Selling®️ has been featured on the Steve Harvey Show, NBC, Forbes, INC, Reader’s Digest, HLN, and dozens more.

We had a fantastic conversation in December of 2020, where we bonded over the shared experience of having what I call 'hits' and what she calls 'breadcrumbs' that feel like teeny premonitions or signposts from the Universe. We also chatted about how the little forks in life lead to the bigger forks, like the example from season 1, episode 7 of Sony Pictures Animation, Guillermo Torres, sharing the story of choosing to go to a different movie theatre than usual... which essentially launched him on his career path.

Like me, her daughter has played a prominent role in her story. As Kendrick observed, 'children can be great teachers."

Takeaways from this episode:

Sales are fundamental to survival in business. But when selling feels like helping, it's a heck of a lot easier to do it!

Shopping is not a hobby.

Children are good reflections for us on how WE manage change, AND they change how we see the world.

Every day there is a fork in the road. We are constantly choosing something, a path, an action, starting something new, stopping something old... some are small forks, and some are big forks

Not everything will be in your particular zone of genius. Rather than do everything yourself, it is wise to surround yourself with the people who have the skills you lack.

One hot tip for those who are still learning about working from home: create for yourself a specific workspace and a specific work time... and stick to those boundaries.

Links to things mentioned

Curious about Authentic Selling®️ University? Learn more at

Curious about USS Improvise The Next Generation the Musical? (I know it was a brief mention... but it's just so nerdy and fun!) Learn more at

Are you figuring out your own path? Try this book, mentioned in Kendrick's journey, Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

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